Privacy Policy

Your Consent to this Privacy Policy

By using our web site, you signify that you agree with the terms of our current Privacy Policy as posted in this area of the site. If you do not agree with any term in this Policy, please do not use the site. The web site you have entered is operated by or on behalf of BlueWater Seafoods (“BlueWater”). For more information on BlueWater and its brands, see the paragraph about BlueWater at the end of this policy.

BlueWater is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the type of information that is collected by BlueWater on this web site, and how we use and protect it. This Policy also tells you what to do if you do not want your Personal Information collected when you visit our web site, and how you can change or delete information you have already provided to us.

Collection of Personal Information

As used in this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” means personally-identifiable information such as your name, street address, telephone number, screen name and e-mail address.

Throughout our site, you may be asked for Personal Information so that you can register for a sweepstakes or contest, send eCARDs, request information or mailings, buy a product or service from us, fill out a survey or for a variety of other reasons. Please be assured that BlueWater will not collect any Personal Information from this site unless and until you provide this information to us voluntarily. This site may also collect Personal Information from you about a third party (e.g. when you send an eCARD to a friend, we will need you to provide your friend’s name and e-mail address). Please note that we use such information only for the specified purpose (e.g. to mail the eCARDS) and we will not contact the third party again by e-mail unless and until the third party contacts us.

If you don’t want us to have access to your Personal Information, please do not provide it while using our site. When you provide us with Personal Information, you are authorizing us to use that information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, including to your right to limit our use of the Personal Information (see “Who to Contact” below).

How We Use Your Information

When you supply Personal Information on this web site, the brand whose site you entered will use it for the express purpose for which it was collected (e.g. to enter you in a contest or to send you a sample). It may also be used by the brand whose site you entered, as well as by our other brands, to contact you regarding other products and services which may be of interest to you (including those we may offer jointly with other companies).

Other Information We May Collect

BlueWater may collect other information about you during your visit to our site, but this information will not be linked to your Personal Information (that is, it is collected only in the aggregate in connection with all the users of our site, and will not be linked to you personally.) Such information may include:

You have without a doubt heard of “cookies”, which are files or pieces of information that may be stored in your computer’s hard drive when you visit a web site. BlueWater uses cookies to show us how and when a user visits areas within our site so that we can see which areas are popular and which may need improvement. We also use cookies to help speed up your future activities at our site because the computer will remember that you have already provided Personal Information to us. BlueWater does not share Personal Information obtained through cookies with any third parties. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you’d prefer, you can set yours to refuse cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent.

How We Use Personal Information

We Do Not Share With Third Parties

BlueWater does not share any Personal Information with any third parties, except as provided in this Policy.

At times we may retain third parties to act as our agent to analyze data we collect on our web sites, including Personal Information, solely to help us improve our products and our web sites (e.g. if you request a sample, a market research company hired by us, may contact you concerning your experience with the product). In addition, if you order a product or service from us, we may share Personal Information with suppliers and other third parties to allow delivery of such product or service. These suppliers and other third parties are not authorized by us to use your Personal Information in any other way.

Finally, please note that we will release Personal Information if in our opinion we are required or authorized to do so by or pursuant to law, or by a search warrant, subpoena, court order or other legal process.

Mailings and Other Contact

BlueWater will not use your Personal Information to send you any mailings or to otherwise contact you unless you have expressly authorized us to do so. In addition, at any time you may let us know that you wish to discontinue such mailings or contact (see “Who to Contact” below).


BlueWater is committed to protecting the on-line privacy of children and making the Internet safe for our users. To that end, no information should be submitted to or posted on this site by children under the age of 13 without their parent’s or guardian’s permission. In addition, if a user younger than 13 wishes to send us Personal Information, he or she must first give us his or her parent’s or guardian’s e-mail address so that we can obtain their permission. No Personal Information will knowingly be accepted from a child under 13 before this permission is obtained.

If your child has already provided us with Personal Information, you may ask to see this information for the purpose of correcting it, or ask us to delete this information from our records entirely (see “Who to Contact” below.)

Security of Information

We use state-of-the-art technology to keep your Personal Information as secure as possible. Access to your Personal Information is permitted among our employees only on a need-to-know basis, and any outside contractors with access to such information must first sign a confidentiality agreement with us.

Changes in our Policy

BlueWater reserves the right to change or remove this Privacy Policy at our discretion. Whenever we make any alteration to this Privacy Policy, we will post the changes here and will alert you to the change for a period of time with a banner on our home page. We encourage you to visit this area frequently to stay informed.

Who to Contact

Do not hesitate to write to us at if you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy, or to do any of the following:

Again, BlueWater is committed to protecting your personal information in connection with this web site. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions to ask, comments to make or concerns about this Privacy Policy.